In football, there’s a common view that strikers tend to be a bit on the selfish side…keen to take as much glory and credit as they can.
No comment from me… but I will say that it’s important to recognise the contribution of the whole team, even when it comes to creating the goals that the striker eventually scores.
If you gave all the credit to the player who put the ball into the net, you’d have a pretty lopsided view of the value of your team, and all the players in it.
Which brings us (as smoothly as me on an ice rink last week) to attribution modelling in PPC. A lot of people put a ‘too complicated’ block on this, but it’s simpler than it seems. It’s just a decision about sharing credit around your team (keywords and ads) according to how they contribute towards your score (conversions). There are rumours that Google is considering pulling the plug on ‘last click’ attribution – the current default setting – and that’s no bad thing, because ‘last click’ is the misleading ‘all-credit-to-the-striker’ model…But I recommend getting a head start on this.If you’re still using last click (which you are if you haven’t changed it…) |