#3 Advanced Google Ads Tips

Three quick tips to help you save time and boost performance for your Google Ads campaigns.

1) Expanding 'Under Cover' 

Here’s a good way to deal with the traffic quantity / quality trade-off, when you’re looking to scale an account…

You can Expand into new search term territory that might otherwise be too low on ROAS much more safely by doing it in combination with tight targeting from other variables.

In other words You can try more generic, less tightly targeted keywords, when you specify that those more loosely targeted impressions will only show to more highly targeted users.

For example, use:

• Remarketing audiences (standard and customer match)

• Other highly-relevant audiences (including combined audiences Which can hugely increases their relevance by using the intersection of two or more different high-quality audiences)

• Proven top tiers from location / demographic / device values…

In practice, this means creating one or more separate campaigns or ad groups for the broader keywords, with that narrow targeting in place (audiences on ‘targeted’ – not observation) so that your ads are only shown to members of those tightly-selected segments most likely to convert.

With this technique, your audiences are doing a lot of the targeting work, so you’re a little freer to try search terms that don’t give such a strong a signal of intent.

Those broader keywords that were otherwise too generic may now be worthwhile.

2) An Extra Character in Your Text Ads 

You’ve probably noticed the character counter that appears when you’re writing your text ad in the interface or in Google Ads Editor.

There’s an interesting wrinkle in the way it works, that you can use to your advantage, once you know it.

If you end your first description line with a full stop, that punctuation will count towards your character limit. Remove it though, and the preview window will confirm that – provided Google thinks that your line forms a complete sentence, the ad will appear with a full stop regardless…

In other words, you don’t need to enter that full stop explicitly. Leaving it out won’t take prevent the full stop from appearing in your ad… but it will give you an extra character to play with.

3) Get to Know the Shortcuts 

This is a quick one….And speed is exactly what you’ll gain from getting familiar with the Google Ads
interface shortcuts.

If there’s one shortcut worth getting familiar with, it’s ‘G’ then ‘C’, which jumps you back to the Campaigns view… (this one alone could save you precious minutes each day).

Other favourites:

• ‘G’ then ‘J’ – Ad Groups view
• ‘G’ then ‘K’ – Keywords view
• ‘G’ then ‘A’ – Ads and Extensions view

Hold ‘SHIFT’ and press ‘A’ to jump up to the ‘whole account’ level while staying on the same view (e.g. if you’re looking at keywords within one ad group, this shortcut will then show you all of your ads.)

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